Water Mark Movement and add Text and Page Number In Header of MS Word
In this lecture we discuss how to move water mark in MS word and how to add page number and text in header of MS word.
First we discuss Water Mark Movement
Step 1: Start MS Word and run dialog box command is ( winword )
Step 2: Design tab and then watermark.
Step 3: Edit water mark.
Step 4: In text area enter http://riseshinedesign.blogspot.com
Step 5: Display after edit the text.
Step 6: Now insert tab ->header and blank header.
Step 7: Click on the water mark and now you can move water mark.
Step 8: You can change the size and move the water mark.
Step 1: Insert->header
Step 2: Add text in header. http://riseshinedesign.blogspot.com
Step 3: Enter Field
Step 4: Text and the page number in the header.
If we directly enter text and page number, page number remove the text. Through this method we can enter text and page number.